Working Papers:
Trade Theory with Behavioral Agents, under review
Generalized Welfare Gains from Trade Formulas, under review
Cross–Country Productivity Asymmetry and the Quest for Global Free Trade (joint with Yaohan Duan) [Slides], R&R at The Review of International Economics
The International Spillover Effects of Trade Policy Uncertainty on the Stockpiling and Destocking of US Imports R&R at The Review of International Economics
Consumer Search and Price Volatility: An Application to Cross–Border Shopping and Exchange Rate Volatility, under review
Informal Loans in Thailand: Stylized Facts and Empirical Analysis (Joint with Pim Pinitjitsamut), 2nd R&R at The Asian Economic Journal
The Gender Gap in the Informal Loan Markets: Insights from a Household Survey in Thailand, 2nd R&R at Applied Economics
Predicting Informal Loans Using Machine Learning Algorithms (Joint with Pim Pinitjitsamut), under review
Did Bidenflation Cost the Democratic Party the 2024 US Presidential Election?” under review
Do Americans Sense Inflation? (joint with Linxian Huang)
COVID-19 and Endogenous Public Avoidance: Insights from an Economic Model
Post-Coup Sanctions and Thailand's Agricultural Trade (joint with Sunghun Lim), accepted at the World Economy [PDF]
Optimal Trade Policy in a Ricardian Model with Labor-Market Search-and-Matching Frictions, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2024, 24(2), 621–659. [PDF]
"The Economic Aftermath of Thailand’s 2014 Military Coup: Evidence from Synthetic Control Method," Asian Economic Journal, 2024, 38(2), 256–283. [PDF]
"Pure-Exporter Premium," Southeast Asian Journal of Economics, 2024, 12(2), 125–160. [PDF]
“Consequences of Thailand’s 2006 military coup: Evidence from the synthetic control method,” European Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 80, 102475. [PDF]
“Who Are Pure Exporters?" (with Doungdao Mahakitsiri), The World Economy, 2023, 46(6), 1759–1781. [Ungated link] [PDF}
[Media coverage: ThaiPublica, aBRIDGEd]
previously circulated under the title “Understanding the Bimodality of the Export Intensity Distribution in a Developing Country”
“An Inconvenient Truth: Welfare Losses from Asymmetric Reductions in Transportation Costs,” International Economic Journal, 2023, 37(1), 71–81. [PDF]
“Protection for Sale: Evidence from Around the World” (joint with Andrew Jonelis), Public Choice, 2022, 191, 237–267. [Ungated link] [PDF]
“Why Does the WTO Treat Export Subsidies and Import Tariffs Differently?” (Joint with Tanapong Potipiti), Review of World Economics, 2022, 158, 1137–1172. [Ungated link] [PDF]
“The International Spillover Effects of US Trade Policy Uncertainty,” Economics Letters, 2022, 212. [PDF]
“Optimal Trade Policy, Equilibrium Unemployment and Labor Market Inefficiency,” Review of International Economics, 2020, 28, 1232–1268. [Ungated link] [PDF]
Finalist in the 2016 WTO Essay Award
“The Role of the Most Favored Nation Principle of the GATT/WTO in the New Trade Model,” Review of International Economics, 2020, 28, 760–798. [Ungated link] [PDF] [Slides]
“Trade Restrictiveness Index of Non-Tariff Barriers Under the CES Preference,” International Economic Journal, 2020, 34(1), 48–57. [Ungated link] [PDF]
“Endogenous Markup, Per Capita Income and Population Size in the Gravity Equation,” The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2019, 19(2). [PDF] [Slides]
“A Note on "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: A "New" Perspective on Protectionism" of Costinot (2009),” Economics Letters, 2017, 157, 163–166. [PDF]
Work In Progress:
The Asymmetric Impact of Acquisition on Firms Performance: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Thailand
A Simple Complex Model of Brand Image
Why Don't Countries Trade After All?