Econ 467
Econ 467: International Industrial Organizations
Disc. 301 - Soc Sci 6310 - Friday, 8:50am - 9:40am
Disc. 303 - Ingraham 123 - Friday, 1:20pm - 2:10pmDisc. 302 - Ingraham 123 - Friday, 11:00am - 11:50am
Disc. 304 - Soc Sci 6310 - Friday, 2:25pm - 3:15pm
TA Office Hours: Monday, 5.30pm - 7.30pm and by appointment
Social Science building #7230
Handout 1: Math Review
Handout 2: Game Theory and Cournot competition
Handout 3: Cournot, Cartel and Stackelberg (Answer key)
Handout 4: Product Differentiation and Price competition
Office hours for Midterm 1: Wed (10/1) 6-8pm room 6101
Handout 5: Optimal subsidy in a price competition
Handout 6: Tariff Protection
Handout 7: International Oligopoly Pricing
Handout 8: Research and Development (R&D)
Handout 9: R&D and Intellectual Property Rights
Handout 10: Monopolistic Competition
Midterm 1 Thursday October 2 Regular class time
Midterm 2 Thursday November 6 Regular class time
Final Sunday December 14 12.25pm